

Beijing (2022)

HomeBobsleeBeijing (2022)


Beijing (2022)

Beijing 2022

Two countries get together to form a single bobsleigh team: this unique situation, which doesn’t exist anywhere else in the world, was set up by Stefaan Freeling (Chair of the BFBS) and Wim Noorman (Chair of the BSBN) since 2017. In 2019, the Dutch National Bobsleigh & Skeleton Federation (BSBN) and Belgium Bob and Skeleton (BFBS) began joint preparations for the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing.

Belgium’s two extremely fast BTC sleighs, which are being overhauled and maintained by Eurotech, are the benchmark for the FALCON sleigh. The FALCON sleigh is a new, innovative sleigh that pushes the technical limits of the regulations. Since 2017 (the shakedown in Lillehammer), we have already been achieving promising results.

Our partners

  • Dutch National Bobsleigh & Skeleton Federation (BSBN)
  • Belgium Bob and Skeleton
  • Monobob – Karlien Sleper
  • Team Ivo de Bruin
  • Team Kimberley Bos
Our partners

Our objectives

In vogelvlucht

Met onder andere onze inspanningen zijn er van 2019 tot en met 2022 de volgende resultaten behaald:

  • 1x bronze medaille skeleton voor Kimberley Bos (Olympische Spelen Pyeongchang, 2022)
  • 1x World Cup Overall winnaar skeleton Kimberley Bos (2021-2022)
  • Kwalificatie behaald voor 2-man en 4-man bobslee met Team Ivo de Bruin, Dennis Veenker, Jelen Franjic, Janko Franjic en Stefan Huis in het Veld (Olympische Spelen Pyeongchang, 2022)
  • Kwalificatie behaald voor de monobob door Karlien Sleper (Olympische Spelen Pyeongchang, 2022)
Our objectives